Horizon Europe Cluster 5 – Climate, Energy and Mobility
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Horizon Europe
5 March 2024 at 16:00:00
Varies by call topic

The overarching driver for this cluster is to accelerate the twin green and digital transitions and associated transformation of our economy, industry and society with a view to achieving climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. This encompasses the transition to greenhouse gas neutrality of the energy and mobility sectors by 2050 at the latest (as well as that of other sectors not covered by this cluster), while boosting their competitiveness, resilience, and utility for citizens and society. Europe has been at the forefront of climate science and is committed to keep delivering the knowledge for enabling efficient pathways and just transitions to climate neutrality.
Under the work programme 2023-2024, the following 6 destinations are listed below:
1. Climate sciences and responses for the transformation towards climate neutrality
2. Cross-sectoral solutions for the climate transition
3. Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply
4. Efficient, sustainable and inclusive energy use
5. Clean and competitive solutions for all transport modes
6. Safe, resilient transport and smart mobility services for passengers and goods
Activities of this work programme support the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. By creating more jobs, accelerating economic and social transformation, faster digitalisation and by generating innovation-based and inclusive growth, activities will aid Europe’s recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, contributing directly to the Commission priorities of a European Green Deal, a Europe fit for the digital age, and an economy that works for people. The European Climate Law requires the EU economy and society to become climate-neutral by 2050 in a socially fair and cost-efficient manner and, as an intermediate target, to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels). To deliver on these targets, the Commission proposed ‘Fit for 55’ legislative packages in July and December 2021.
Following Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, the European Commission published the REPowerEU Communication 6 which emphasises the need to ramp up rapidly and efficiently the clean energy transition. In line with the REPowerEU priorities, this work programme contributes to move towards the elimination of Europe’s dependency on Russian fossil fuel imports by bolstering the diversification of Europe’s gas supply , the electrification of the energy system and the transformation of (energy-intensive) industries. Complementary to that, the work programme supports the reduction of the transport sector’s dependency from fossil fuels .
Horizon Europe’s approach to international cooperation consist of multilateralism and purposeful openness, combined with targeted actions with key third-country partners. Actions focus on aligning national, European and global efforts and investments in research and innovation areas that contribute towards achieving key European Commission priorities. With regard to cluster 5, the Commission pushes the acceleration of clean energy innovation through the Mission Innovation23 Initiative, which was launched at COP21 and currently comprises 24 countries and the European Commission. International cooperation of EU Member States and Associated Countries in the context of Mission Innovation in relevant topics in this work programme is encouraged.
Learn more: wp-8-climate-energy-and-mobility_horizon-2023-2024_en.pdf (europa.eu)