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How dissemination, exploitation, and communication is evaluated in Horizon Europe proposals

Jordan Flagel

Evaluation of dissemination, exploitation, and communication is an essential aspect of Horizon Europe proposal assessments. These factors play a crucial role in demonstrating the potential impact of the project and the effective communication of research outcomes to relevant stakeholders.

Below we will cover why these three components of a proposal are important and how they are evaluated.

Horizon Europe proposal evaluation

During the evaluation of project proposals, the dissemination, exploitation, and communication strategies are evaluated as part of the "Impact" evaluation criterion. This criterion focuses on the potential impact of the project in terms of scientific, societal, and economic aspects. The evaluation takes into account the quality and effectiveness of the proposed dissemination, exploitation, and communication plans as an integral part of the overall impact of the potential project. It considers how research results will be exploited, transferred, and applied beyond the project's duration to deliver benefits to society and the economy, as well as any scientific advancements that can be used by industry, academia, or even governments. This includes assessing the potential for commercialization, the creation of new products or services, the development of patents or intellectual property, and collaborations with industry partners.

It is important for project proposals to provide clear and well-structured dissemination, exploitation, and communication plans that align with the specific goals and expected impacts of the project. Evaluators assess these plans to ensure that projects not only generate valuable research outcomes but also effectively disseminate and exploit those outcomes for maximum societal, economic, and scientific impacts.

Dissemination strategy evaluation

A strong dissemination strategy demonstrates how project results and knowledge will be effectively broadcasted and transmitted to target audiences. These strategies should outline all major planned dissemination activities, including publications, conferences, workshops, and engagement with relevant stakeholders, as well as any opportunities to share project details with potential stakeholders.

Dissemination strategy evaluation for Horizon Europe proposals involves a thorough assessment of the planned dissemination activities outlined by the applicants. It considers the clarity, relevance, and reach of the dissemination plan, as well as the intended impact on different stakeholder groups, essentially evaluating the effectiveness and adequacy of the proposed strategies for communicating research results to the intended target audiences. The aim is to ensure that the proposed dissemination activities are well-designed, targeted, and capable of effectively sharing research outcomes to maximize their visibility and societal impact.

Exploitation strategy evaluation

Exploitation is a critical component of Horizon Europe project proposals. It entails outlining a comprehensive and well-defined plan to utilize and commercialize research outcomes. As such, the exploitation strategy should demonstrate how the project results will be transformed into tangible benefits, such as new products, services, or technologies. It should also include approaches for technology transfer, collaborations with industry partners, licensing agreements, and the protection of intellectual property, if applicable.

The evaluation of this crucial part of a proposal involves assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed exploitation strategy, ensuring that the project outcomes have a strong potential for real-world application and market impacts, as well as the potential for utilizing and commercializing project results. Some key factors to include in an exploitation strategy are market analyses, IP management, innovation potential, and collaboration or business models.

Communication Strategy Evaluation

The communication strategy is perhaps the most important of the three. It outlines how the project will effectively communicate its outcomes, findings, and impacts to various audiences. This includes targeted communication activities, such as engagement with policymakers, public awareness campaigns, and knowledge-sharing initiatives, as well as social media publications, email campaigns, and other digital communications. Horizon Europe evaluators assess the quality and effectiveness of proposed communication strategies in maximizing project visibility, enhancing dissemination of results, and increased societal engagement.

How Linq Consulting can assist with your Horizon Europe project proposal

The dedicated experts at Linq Consulting are available to assist with Horizon Europe proposals at every stage of the writing and application process.

With our expertise in grants management, we can help you secure funding from Horizon Europe, as well as any other grant opportunities that may be available.

Whether you represent a large organization or run a small business, Linq Consulting will help locate funding opportunities and secure funding for your project. Get in touch with us today.

[If you or your organization would like to secure available funding set aside for sustainability research and development, contact us at]

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